Remembering the Days of the Commodore 64
One generally does not see many of these types of books around these days considering that the modern computer game generally has the same amount of people developing it as your standard Hollywood blockbuster movie. This is probably not true for apps though, and I am sure you can find books out there that will help you write apps. Maybe there is even a book called 'Writing Apps for Dummies' or 'The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing Apps': who knows?
Anyway, back in the days of the Commodore 64 (a computer that pretty much every teenage computer geek in the city would own) it was much easier to write computer games (though don't expect anything on the level of Call of Duty: Black Ops). I remember using a computer language called BASIC (don't ask me what it stands for because as a kid I thought the reason the called it BASIC was because I actually understood how to use it and I could write computer games with it) to write my own games (not that I didn't have plenty of games already, it is just I either got board of them quickly, or they were too hard and you couldn't look up the solutions on the internet).
This book is one of a collection of books that I had that I could use to help me learn how to write text based adventure games (though these days they are called interactive fiction because modern adventure games have all the bells and whistles that you would expect to come from a mass marketed game) though I don't remember ever actually writing the game that was at the back of the book (The Case of the Missing Adventure – how lame). I did collect these books though, and this one is currently sitting at my feet, though I have no real interest in putting it anywhere except back into the shed where I pulled it out from this morning – these days if you want to write your own adventure/CRPG(which stands for Computer Roleplaying Game) many of the games actually come with their own level editor/creator for you to use.