The last Xanth book that I read

Isle of View - Piers Anthony

Well, I am finally at the end of all of the Xanth novels that I have read. I really do not know why I went through them all and wrote a comment on them, but I guess it is something that I felt that I had to do. I guess I really did persist through these novels, but then at the time that I was reading them, I was enjoying them, however I stopped here, for numerous reasons. I guess one of the main reasons is that I temporarily moved away from reading. While I would still read during this period of my life, I ended up spending more time with friends, and unfortunately reading is not something that one can necessarily do with friends. The most social aspect of reading, such as this website, is when one joins a bookclub, reads the same book, and then gets together and discusses them. However my friends were not real readers at the time, so I guess I was a bit of the odd one out. However, when I moved on from these friends of mine, I began to pick up books again. I guess in the end, reading is in my blood.

It was also helpful going through these books and I also discovered the Spellsinger series, which I have read all of, but never actually put on the list of books that I have read. I do not mean the Goodreads list, but rather an external list that I am going through, and as I add a book to Goodreads, I delete it from the list. It is slow work, but at least it encourages me to think about all of the books that I have read.
