Bad guys and secret plans – a standard Famous Five adventure

I guess the reason I found this book okay was not so much that I read it after finishing Hemmingway but rather because of the silly incident with regards to the twins. Okay, many of you will probably suggest that this is just Enid Blyton having a bit of fun with some twins, but I my suspension of disbelief simply did not work. Okay, I had pretty much worked out that they were twins, but questioned how the Famous Five, who solve mysteries and beat bad guys on a regular basis, could not work out that a couple of boys were twins. I though the fact that it is highly unlikely that they would wear the same clothes would probably give it away.
Anyway, Dick and Julian are in France (and why can't the Famous Five have an adventure in France?) and George, Anne, and Timmy (we can't forget Timmy) are back at Kirin Cottage. However Timmy injures his ear and has to wear a dog collar, which causes people to laugh at him, so George, rather upset that people are laughing at her beloved dog, decides to go camping with Anne and Timmy while Timmy's ear gets better.
Surprise, surprise, they stumble upon some bad guys searching for something (which in this case happen to be some secret plans, which Uncle Quentin, once again, has his finger in the pie) that could make them a lot of money, and it is up to them to outwit these crooks (which is not all that hard to do, especially since most crooks tend to be quite dimwitted, so nothing unrealistic about that – unless of course they are professional thieves, which these guys generally are not) and get the plans back to the rightful owner.
Once again, you get the standard fare that you would expect from the Famous Five series. Still, I can't say that I am really getting all that board with them since I am still determined to read all the way through, and attempt to get through the Secret Seven series as well (which I don't have the entire collection, but will try to see if I can get my hands on them when I go back to Adelaide).