Another of the many theories as to the origins of the pyramids

The Giza Death Star - Joseph P. Farrell

This is one of those really strange and speculative books about why the pyramids were actually built. I have probably mentioned it before and I will mention it again that it is not surprising that all these strange and far-fetched ideas about the origin and purpose of the pyramids have dominated our mind and our literature. The pyramids are ancient buildings which boggle our mind and inspire our imaginations. In fact the pyramids have spawned entire television series (Stargate) about how they were landing pads for spaceships.

The idea in this book is that the pyramids were a weapon of mass destruction created by an advanced, and lost, civilisation, similar to Atlantis. The idea, which I actually believe holds water, is that prior to the ancient civilisations that we know, there were more advanced civilisations, in fact more advanced than we are at the moment, that wiped themselves out in a cataclysmic war. This occurred not so much before history was written down, but rather before any of the surviving texts that we have were written.

However, there are hints in some ancient texts that such a civilisation may have been possible. Plato writes about the lost civilisation of Atlantis, though it is debatable as to whether he actually made this civilisation up to attempt to prove a point, or whether the conversation between Socrates and Timeaus (and then Critias) actually occurred. It is interesting to note that Plutarch, in his life of Solon, indicates that the story of Atlantis did exist before Plato, and that it was originally learned by Solon after he travelled to Egypt and spoke with the priests there. Unfortunately, there is no real corroborating evidence to support this from the Egyptian point of view.

There is also the antediluvian Biblical account, where we follow the line of Cain. We notice that this line, which ends with Lamach bemoaning the fact that he will be cursed for murdering somebody, gives us details of cultural and technological development. We are told of the development of art and music, and also told of the development of iron working. Some might argue that because it was the line of Cain that developed technological advances then such advances are evil (though I have yet to hear a fundamentalist preacher go down that line, but I suspect some have). However, it should be noted that the technological advancements pretty much end with the level of technology that existed at the time of writing. Further, the line of Cain does not go all the way to the flood, which indicates the possibility of further advancement above and beyond what the writer knew or conceived of, namely because I feel that technology would unlikely have become stagnated at that point in time.

We also have some interesting accounts from the Mesopotamian libraries of possible Antediluvian technology. These accounts are rather vague and coated in language that indicates that the writer had little knowledge or understanding of what this technology entailed, however, as I have written previously, it flags possible genetic engineering technology in advance of what we have today.

As for this book, the idea is that the pyramids were some sort of weapon, that when activated, could send a rain of destruction anywhere on the Earth. The writer has indicated that there are places on the Earth which suggest some sort of nuclear weapon had been detonated there in times past. Further, we also have evidence of the complete desolation of the Sahara desert, another possibility that some weapon was detonated there that completely obliterated the landscape and from which it has never recovered.

When I speak about such a weapon, I am not speaking of missiles such as we have today, or even a weapon that shoots from the pyramid to its destination, but one that apparently has the power to simply create an explosion at a certain, specific location. However, the concerns that I have with this idea is that there does not appear to be any indication that were was any technological items in the pyramids. Granted, they could have been removed and destroyed long ago when the civilisation collapsed and the pyramids were overrun. Also there is the argument that the pyramids were built by Cheops, either as a tomb, or as a temple complex (which is apparently how later dynasties used them). However, we must remember also that up until recently, the pyramids were believed to have been built by the Israelites during their years of oppression, until it was discovered that they existed there long before Abraham (and as I have indicate elsewhere, I have suspicions that the modern dating method of the oppression and the exodus are also wrong).

